Studierådets priser
Igår delades studierådets priser ut under majmötet. Det pedagogiska priset delades ut till Bobo Skillinghaug, priset för studentinflytande delades ut till Fredrik Jernerén och studierådets särskilda pris för studentbemötande delades ut till Lucia Lazorova. Vi vill återigen gratulera våra pristagare och tacka er för ett fantastiskt år! Vi ser fram emot att arbeta med er igen i höst!
Today, the study council’s prizes were awarded during the May meeting. The pedagogical prize was awarded to Bobo Skillinghaug, the prize for student influence was awarded to Fredrik Jernerén and the Student Council’s special award for student hospitality was awarded to Lucia Lazorova. We want to congatulate our award winners once again and also thank you for a fantastic year. We look forward to work with you again in the fall!