The Pharmaceutical Student's Union

The Pharmaceutical Student's Union

Who are Farmis?

As a pharmacy student at Uppsala University, you have the opportunity to become a member of the Pharmaceutical Student Union, also called Farmis. Farmis was founded in 1896 and since then we have montiored your education quality and ensured students’ interests and created community among all pharmacy students. The daily operations of the Pharmaceutical Student Union are run by your future fellow students and colleagues at our union house Pharmen.

Vår Organisation



The House of All Pharmacists

Pharmen är our house, our unique locus in Uppsala. A student union house is only a shell if the inside isn’t filled with activities and inspiring content. Therefore we now introduce ”Pharmen – The House of All Pharmacists” where are pharmacists – students and alumni – share a common place to meet, both in person and virtual.


New Uppsalastudent?

Welcome to Uppsala and congratulations that you have been accepted to one of the best pharmaceutical educations in Sweden!

Rent the union house Pharmen!

We rent out our lovely villa for different parties. Are you planing to arrange a wedding, thesis defence-party, dinners, anniversary parties or birthday parties, we would gladly help you with this! Parts of the house can be rented for meeting or other events as well
