about us

Our mission

Our goal is for us to graduate from the world’s leading pharmacy education, and we work towards this daily by participating in various working groups, boards, councils and committees at the university. The student union’s daily activities are carried out by your future fellow student in the union house, Pharmen. Your membership allows us to improve your education.

How can I make a difference?

Your membership is needed for the student union to have a strong voice! Your membership provides us with the resources to create effective support systems for students who need help and the power to advocate for student issues in the decision-making bodies within the university. The student union can be likened to a trade union. For the student union to be heard, it requires members behind it. These members are us, the students.

The higher the response rate for course evaluations, the more representative the results become. Course evaluations with a high response rate therefore have a greater impact on the change process. Providing positive feedback on the best aspects of the course, highlighting areas for improvement and offering constructive suggestions for enhancements are all examples of how you can influence your education and the future of pharmacists

At the student union Study Council members meet to discuss various matters related to our educations. We need  your opinion to represent it as accurately as possible! Everyone is welcome

The members of the student union hold the ultimate power over which issues the student union should advocate for within the university. It is also the members of the student union who decide which students will represent them. We need your voice to ensure a broad diversity among our representatives!

As a course representative, you will represent your fellow students’ opinion at a meeting with the course coordinator. This is a super important mission and a perfect position to start your involvement! Contact handl@farmis.se if you want to learn more.

Student representation is regulated by the Swedish Higher Education Act and the students have the right to be represented when decisions are made or preparations occur that affect education or the students’ situation. As a student representative, you participate in various university bodies and advocate on behalf of the students.You can serve as a student representative at the local level, for example on a departmental board at the Faculty of Pharmacy where you represent all pharmacy students, or at the central level where you represent all students at Uppsala University.

If you are interested or have any questions contact the Nomination committee at val@farmis.se, you can also contact the vice president with responsibility for education at vicut@farmis.se or read more about getting involved here

The Student Union

A student union shall lay down that its main purpose is to monitor and take part in the development of courses and programmes as well as the conditions applying to studies at the higher education institution. Ordinance (2009:766).


The Swedish Higher Education Act (1992:1434) chapter 4, section 9

The Pharmaceutical Student Union represents all students at the Faculty of Pharmacy in matters concerning the students’ study environment, education and working conditions

We have maintained an excellent collaboration with the Faculty of Pharmacy for a long time, and by participating in every decision regarding our education we can ensure that the students’ interests are always considered.


Below, we provide answers to any questions you might have about the university, Uppsala and The Student Union.

Frequently asked questions

Questions about The Student Union

The Pharmaceutical Student Union is a student union. It is an organization at a university or higher education institution whose primary purpose is study monitoring of student interests, meaning to contribute to the development and conditions of students’ studies. The Pharmaceutical Student Union represents all students at the Faculty of Pharmacy at Uppsala University in matters concerning students’ study environment, education and working conditions. We have maintained an excellent collaboration with the Faculty of Pharmacy for a long time. By being involved in every decision about our education, we ensure that students’ interests are always considered.

The student union also works for all students at Uppsala University through its study monitoring of student interests at the central level.

The student union’s study monitoring of student interests occurs at several levels and is carried out entirely by dedicated students, most of whom do it alongside their studies.


In addition to study monitoring of student interests the student union also works on issues related to work-life connections and student welfare


Psst.. Did you know that the work of student unions is regulated by the Swedish Higher Education Act (1992:1434)?

It states, among other things, that:

9 § A student union shall lay down that its main purpose is to monitor and take part in the development of courses and programmes as well as the conditions applying to studies at the higher education institution. Ordinance (2009:766).

11 § A student union shall be democratically organised and able to represent the students within the union's area of activity. Ordinance (2009:766).

12 § All students within a student union's area of activity shall be entitled to become members of the union if they fulfil the requirements laid down for membership of an association of the kind stipulated in Section 8.

A student who is a member of a student union shall be entitled to vote in the election of the student union's supreme deciding body. Ordinance (2009:766).

Everyone, simply put. However, there are different types of members, which are described below.

Active Member: Active member is someone who is studying within the sphere of activity of The Pharmaceutical Student Union, specifically at the Faculty of Pharmacy at Uppsala University.

This type of membership is the most common and applies to you if you are a student or a PhD student at the Faculty of Pharmacy

Associate Member: Associate member is someone who pays a fee to the student union without being an inspector, pro-inspector, honorary member, active member or other member

Other Member: Other member is someone who is studying only outside the sphere of activity of the Pharmaceutical Student Union, as well as the union’s full-time salaried officials. An other member must pay a fee to the union.

Read about how to become a member here

Do you have questions about membership?

Then contact the Administrator at handl@farmis.se

As an active member, it is completely free to be a member of the Pharmaceutical Student Union

As an other member, the membership fee is 100 SEK per semester to be a member of the Pharmaceutical Student Union.

As an associate member, the membership fee is 200 SEK per semester to be a member of the Pharmaceutical Student Union.

Become a memeber here

Do you have questions about membership?

Then contact the Administrator at handl@farmis.se

There are several ways to become a member of the Pharmaceutical Student Union.

Option 1:

Visit uppsalastudent.com and follow the instructions.Here you can simultaneously become a member of a student nation

Option 2:

Pay via Swish 100 SEK to 123 226 22 85, include your name and 10-digit personal identification number in the message

E.g. Farm Farmisson, 971029-XXXX

If you want to become a senior member, instead swish 200 SEK to the same number and also include senior in the message

Option 3:

Contact the administrator at handl@farmis.se

Dedicated students from the student union work daily to improve your education and learning environment at the Faculty of Pharmacy. Others actively engage with the entire Uppsala University to influence the study conditions of all students here in Uppsala. A membership in the Pharmaceutical Student Union means that you contribute to improve your education by supporting the student union in its work. In addition, you receive the following membership benefits:

  • Help and advice from studentombud when you encounter issues related to your education
  • Right to vote in the union’s highest decision-making body
  • Influence your education by becoming a student representative and participating in Study Councils
  • Get closer to working live through our work-life connections
  • Go on international conferences and meet pharmacists from all over the world
  • Train with our Sports commission
  • Reduced prices at the pub and at our traditional events
  • A limited number of free prints per week
  • A welcome reception where you will be introduced to your studies, future career and student life in Uppsala
  • Access to our house which includes study rooms, group rooms, a billiard room, a sauna, spacious areas, microwaves and a computer room
  • But most importantly... you can get involved in the student union, creating memories and friendships for life, enhancing your CV and building a network for the future

Email your name and personal identification number to handl@farmis.se and indicate that you wish to become a senior member.


Pay via Swish 200 SEK to 123 226 22 85, include your name, 10-digit personal identification number and senior in the message

E.g. Farm Farmisson, 971029-XXXX, senior

The sense of community does not end at graduation. By becoming a senior member, you support the union’s activities while also having the opportunity to stay in touch with your fellow students and friends from Pharmen.

The Pharmaceutical Student Union’s senior association is for those who have completed their studies at the Faculty of Pharmacy but want to continue staying in touch with fellow students and Farmis. The membership fee also provides a welcome contribution to the student union’s finances.

What does the senior association do?
We organize activities to connect both old and new contacts. Every autumn, we hold a senior party along with an annual meeting, a highly appreciated event. If you are considering organizing a reunion, feel free to contact us and we might be able to assist!

Your Ideas are welcome!

The student union’s highest decision-making body is the Member meeting where you as a member have voting rights. The trustee board is accountable to the Member meeting and  manages the immediate leadership of the union’s activities and implementing the decisions made at the Member meeting. There are also several commissions such as the Klubbverket, the Culture commission and the Equal treatment commission, to name a few. In addition to the commissions there are committees such as Amöberiet, Pharmada committee and the Autumn prom committee. In addition, you can take on roles such as the union photographer, standard-bearer, union marshal and many more. There are also those who are accountable to the Member meeting including the Nomination committee, the student union’s magazine Farmis-Reptilen, the financial auditor and the activity auditor. There truly is something for everyone!

During the Offices Councils, all officeholders can discuss current matters and here issues are also prepared for the Member meetings. During the Study Councils, all students at the Faculty of Pharmacy can make their voices heard regarding issues that affect students’ situation.

The Pharmaceutical Doctoral Student Councils (FDR) is the Pharmaceutical Student Union’s Doctoral Student Council and represents the doctoral students at the Faculty of Pharmacy

Through the student union, students have the legal right to represent students when the university prepares or makes decisions on matters related to education or the students’ situation.

The Swedish Higher Education Act (1992:1434) chapter 2

7 § The students are entitled to representation when decisions or preparations are made that have bearing on their courses or programmes or the situation of students. The Government or the authority decided by the Government may, pursuant to Section 7 of Chapter 8 of the Instrument of Government, issue regulations on the number of such representatives and how they shall be appointed. Act (2016:744).

Through the student union, you can make your voice heard so that the content and quality of the education are continuously improved.


Course representatives and student representatives

The student unions' study monitoring of student interests is largely driven by our course representatives and student representatives. The student representatives participate and represent the student union’s opinion in decision-making and preparatory bodies within the Faculty of Pharmacy and Uppsala University. The student representatives are elected by the student union’s members and represent the opinions that the student union’s members have collectively decided upon when adopting the student union’s opinion program.

In each course, there are two course representatives. They are the extended arm of the student union among the students. The course representatives listen closely to gather their fellow students’ opinions and feelings about the education. The course representatives are also a key part of the course evaluation process and the Study Councils.

Read more about the study monitoring of student interests HERE

Skrivelser och remissvar
To create favorable conditions for studies at Uppsala University, the student union also serves as a consultation body to Uppsala University, the Ministry of Education and Research and other entities that make decisions on matters affecting the students at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Uppsala University.

Safety representative
At each departmental board, there is a safety representative whom you can turn to when something is not working in the study environment. The safety representatives are, just like you, students at the Faculty of Pharmacy and represent your interests at the respective department’s board. If you have noticed shortcomings in the physical or psychological study environment, this is where you can turn!

Study Council
At the Study Council meetings course representatives, student representatives and all students interested in current issues within pharmaceutical education participate. When a significant issue is not covered by the opinion program, it is brought here for debate ensuring that the opinion is well-grounded among the students. The Study Council meets once a month. Attend the Study Council if you want to know which issues are currently relevant within the faculty. Everyone is welcome!

Doctoral Student Council (FDR)
The Pharmaceutical Doctoral Student Council handles the student union’s issues related to research and doctoral studies, with their goal being a secure education for all doctoral students from admission to dissertation. The Pharmaceutical Doctoral Student Council is a part of the Doktorandnämnden, a joint body for all doctoral students at Uppsala University

National and international monitoring of student interests

Since our main focus in on Pharmaceutical education it is important to stay updated on developments in pharmacy education both nationally and internationally. We achieve this through collaboration with Swedish National Association of Pharmaceutical Students (SNAPS), European Pharmaceutical Student Association (EPSA) and Internationel Pharmacutical Students Federation (IPSF). The international contacts are managed by the International commission.

Do you have questions about your education?

Contact vice president with responsibility for educational matters at vicut@farmis.se

Pharmen is the Pharmaceutical Student Union’s very own student union house. You can find the student union house in Uppsala Science Park at Dag Hammarskjölds Väg 16.

As a member, you are always welcome here to study, socialize, warm up your food, fika, play billiards and ping pong or just hang out. You can do this indoors or in our beautiful garden.

Of course, all your friends are also welcome!

The student union house is open on weekdays from 09.00-17.00, unless otherwise stated on the union’s social media.

You can see what’s happening in our calendar here.

You can also follow us on social media where we are named Farmis on both Instagram and Facebook. Each week, information about upcoming events is posted in our “Pharmenacka” on Instagram.

We also send out a monthly email to all members that provides information about everything happening in the upcoming month!

If you have any questions about events at the student union, email pr@farmis.se

You can also contact the student union’s president if you have ideas, questions or concerns about the student union or the university. The president leads the student union’s daily activities, coordinates the board and is responsible for both internal and external communication. The president has many representative missions both within and outside the university and the student world, advocating for the members’ interests in all these contexts.

The student union’s president is most easily reached via email ordf@farmis.se or at 079-334 08 94

The Trustee board

President: ordf@farmis.se

You can turn to this person with most of your questions. If someone else is better suited to answer your question, the president will guide you to the appropriate person.

Vice president with responsibility for economics (VicEk): vicek@farmis.se

VicEk is responsible for financial matters related to the union and its members. You can turn to this person with questions about:

  • Semester invoice
  • As an officeholder, you may have financial questions related to your office

Vice president with responsibility for educational matters (VicUt): vicut@farmis.se

VicUt can answer questions about your education and refer you to the right person at the university if you encounter issues. If you want to become a student representative or receive the call to the Study Council, this is where you should turn.

Administrator: handl@farmis.se

The administrator is also faculty manager. You should turn to the administrator if you:

  • want to become a course representative
  • have questions about course evaluations
  • are an officeholder and want to collect a key to the student union house
  • want to become a member or have questions about membership and the student card

Student liaison officer head of student welfare: soc@farmis.se

As a student liaison officer head of student welfare you are responsible for study-social issues. You can turn to this person with questions about:

  • Working environment
  • Housing issues
  • CSN

Head of festivities: klm@farmis.se

The head of festivities oversees matters related to the pub, café and rentals of the student union house. If you have questions about this or are interested in working as serving staff at one of our events, this is who you should contact.

Labor market manager: arb@farmis.se

Labor market manager, who is also the chair of the labor market commission, is responsible for the student union’s cooperation agreements and communication with the pharmaceutical labor market. If a company wants to get in touch with the Pharmaceutical Student Union, it should do so through the labor market manager.

If you have questions regarding work-life connections, collaborations, agreement or Pharmada you can contact the labor market manager

Secretary: sekr@farmis.se

The secretary is responsible for calling meetings, writing minutes and keeping the union’s official lists, Regulations and By-laws updated. The secretary also serves as the president’s right-hand in board matters. Contact the secretary if you need a direct phone number or email address for any of the union’s officials. This is also where you should turn if you have questions about your role description as well as the operational plan and annual report.

Head of public relations: pr@farmis.se

Head of public relations is responsible for the student union’s information flow. If you have questions or concerns regarding information dissemination, you should contact this person.

There are many ways you can get involved in the union. You can take on an office, participate in the student union’s study monitoring of the student interests, work-life connection or study-social activities.

  • You can become a course representative
  • You can become a student representative at a local or central level
  • You can participate in Study Council
  • You can participate in Member meetings
  • You can work at pubs or manage rentals
  • You can also get involved by taking on an office within the student union

Click HERE for a description of all offices and to read more about what the positions entail. If you have further questions about the different offices, contact the Nomination committee at val@farmis.se

Questions about Uppsala

Finding housing in Uppsala can seem hopeless, but it is not! Here are some tips on how to find your new home most easily!

On Blocket.se you can find listings for sublets and people looking for roommates. You can also post your own ad to search for housing. However, be cautious! Never pay anything in advance and be wary of excessively high rents.

Heimstaden.se has a “first come, first served” system where you have the opportunity to get a room in one of Flogsta’s many corridors.

The student nations together have over 3,000 student apartments. When you become a member of a nation, you can join the nation’s own housing queue. These apartments often have shorter waiting times, lower rents and are very centrally located. Read more on uppsalastudent.com about what applies to your nation.

Studentboet.se is operated by Uppsala University, Uppsala municipality and Uppsala Student Union. It functions somewhat like a marketplace for student housing. Registration is free and you can find listings for many sublets here. This is often a good place to start your search.

Uppsala Bostadsförmedling has gathered many of the largest landlords into a single queue. Here you can find various types of housing, including youth housing, student apartments, shared accommodations and short-term leases. It costs 290 SEK per year to be in the housing queue, and it is a good idea to join the queue as early as possible at bostad.uppsala.se

Heimo is a newly launched housing platform available in both Swedish and English. By creating a profile, you can advertise all types of housing needs for free, including renting, subletting, buying or selling.

A student union primarily aims to oversee study monitoring of student interests, while a student nation focuses more on study-social activities such as various leisure activities, parties, clubs, pubs, restaurants and cafés. Since 2010 it has not been mandatory to be a member of either the student union or the student nation, but many still choose to be a member of both. Membership in the student union supports the work of study monitoring of student interests. Membership in the student nation allows participation in the student nations’ activities.

The public transport here is operated by UL, you can find all information you might need about buses and trains on their website ul.se.A tip for students is that there is a 30-day ticket available at a discounted rate. This ticket can also be adjusted to suit commuters who travel to Stockholm or Gävle.

If you want to train indoors, there are plenty of gyms in Uppsala. A great option to check out is Campus1477, which has a facility near BMC and Pharmen. If you prefer outdoor training, there are outdoor gyms and running tracks available. If you would rather train in a  group, our Sports commission organizes various activities.

If you are moving to study at a university or higher education institution, you should be registered at your place of study. The basic rule is that you should be registered where you live, meaning where you sleep the most nights

With an electronic ID, you can use the Swedish Tax Agency’s e-service to report your move quickly and easily. For more information and to submit your change of address, visit the Swedish Tax Agency’s website www.skatteverket.se/studentflytt

Valborg in Uppsala is an amazing time you do not want to miss! The “long weekend” is celebrated over several days.

Skvalborg takes place on April 28th, and the student nations kick off the Valborg celebrations, each in their own way.

Kvalborg, on April 29th is either day two of the celebrations or the day before the main event. The student nations often stay opened late for concerts and clubs.

Valborg is the day when Uppsala’s streets fill with people and spring has arrived. At Pharmen we kick off the day with a Valborg brunch. In the Fyrisån you can watch various rafts attempting to navigate the rapids. Ekoparken, outside Ekonomikum, is a popular spot for picnics unless you prefer to attend a herring lunch at a student nation. At 3:00 PM, it is traditional to gather for the “mösspåtagning” at Carolina Redviva, where you along with the Vice-Chancellor of Uppsala University can put on your student cap to the sounds of choir music from Orphei Drängar. Simultaneously, some student nations host champagne races. In the evening, at 9:00 PM, at Uppsala castle the Curator Curatorum delivers the traditional spring speech. Allmänna Sången sing for the spring and the Uppsala Student Union president offers a fourfold cheer for His Majesty the King. 

Finalborg or May 1st is the day after the main event. If you still have energy left, the student nations typically host a May dinner to wrap up the entire celebration.

Questions about the university

You cannot appeal a grade; however, you can request a reconsideration. A reconsideration applies to the grade for an entire course and, for example, a single exam. It means that the examiner will reassess what grade you should receive for the course. A reconsideration can never result in a lower grade. If you want your grade to be reconsidered, you should send a detailed explanation to the examiner of why you believe your grade should be raised. If your grade is not raised upon reconsideration you can contact the university’s betygsombudsmän. They cannot raise the grade themselves but can provide recommendations to the examiner.

If you have questions regarding your studies, you can contact the union’s vice president with responsibility for educational matters at vicut@farmis.se

Whether you need to buy all the course books depends on how you learn best. Often, course books can be helpful resources for exam preparation. It is perfectly fine to buy used course books (just make sure you check which edition you actually need!). In the Facebook group Farmis Kursbokstorg you can often find what you are looking for at a lower price. Campusbokhandeln also offers used books. Some books can be borrowed from the university library and some are available as e-books. In the study room at Pharmen, there are also course books for almost all courses that you can check out while you are studying there.

It is possible to change the score thresholds after students have taken an exam. The Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ), which oversees higher education, has stated that the score thresholds provided before an exam should be viewed as guidelines that should be followed as far as possible. Examiners are formally bound by the course syllabus but specific details such as score thresholds are usually not included there. This means that the score thresholds outlined in documents other than the course syllabus are considered guidelines. Of course, these thresholds should not be disregarded without reason and there should be a cleat justification for any changes made by the examiner. According to UKÄ adjustments may be acceptable when strictly applying the thresholds could result in an inaccurate assessment of students’ knowledge and skills. To gain further clarity on this matter, it is a good idea to contact the examiner and request a justification that you and your classmates can review and discuss. 

As long as you are actually studying to the extent stated in your application, meaning you do not withdraw from the course and complete all the compulsory components you will not face a repayment demand just because you did not pass the course. However, you will not be able to receive more student aid until you have passed at least 75% of the credits for the courses for which you have applied for student aid, or 62,5% if you are in your first or second semester.

No, it is not okay! According to the guidelines for students’ work environment at Uppsala University, scheduled teaching should include regular breaks.

The rules states that teaching and exams should be scheduled on weekdays between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM unless there are special reasons or it has been specified in the course syllabus that the teaching will take place at other times, such as evening courses.You should first contact the course coordinator for your course, and if your concerns are not addressed, you can reach out to the Pharmaceutical Student Union’s vice president with responsibility for educational matters at vicut@farmis.se.

If you need support in contacting with your department to explain your situation and possibly come to an individual solution that could ease you studies, you are welcome to contact your local Student Liasion Office for help with that. It could also be beneficial to talk to someone about the stress and performance anxiety you are experiencing in your student life. At the Student Health Service there are doctors, psychologists and curators who are all specialized in study-related issues. Their visiting address is Övre Slottsgatan 7. On their website, you will find contact information and opening hours.

Yes, according to The Higher Education Ordinance a university is responsible for ensuring that you, as a student, are insured for personal injury when the injury has occurred as a result of an accident during higher education in Sweden. The insurance also covers illness caused by bacteria, viruses or other infectious agents

There is a lot of information available about your rights and obligations. You can read more about rules and rights here.

You can find the general semester date here. More information specific to your program can be found on your program’s page on Studium

At the Faculty of Pharmacy, retake exams are held continuously during the autumn semester, usually about a month and a half after the ordinary exam. For courses held during the spring semester, the retake exams are scheduled over two weeks at the end of August. More information can be found on your program page on Studium

It is not acceptable for last-minute schedule changes to happen repeatedly! According to the local regulations at Uppsala University, schedule changes may only be made in the event of unforeseen circumstances. This could be the case, for example, if a lecturer suddenly falls ill and no other teacher is available to take their place. It is also required that any changes are promptly communicated to students.

It is only after a student has undergone two examination attempts for a course or part of a course without a passing result that the right to have a different examiner appointed arises. Usually, it is required that you contact those responsible for the education to request a change of examiner for the retake exam. Of course, you can request the possibility of having a different examiner appointed and explain why you would like this, even for your first retake exam, but the department is not obligated to offer a new examiner unless you have taken the exam twice without passing.

A student has the right, unless there are special reasons, to have an exam or other assessment graded and given a result within a maximum of 25 calendar days. Additionally, this must be done at least 14 days before the retake exam.

If you have undergone two examination attempts without passing, you have the right to have a different examiner appointed. If there are special reasons that make it impossible to provide a different examiner, you are entitled to a different form of examination.

No, if the only things you have left in the course are assessment elements that are not teacher-led, such as exams and assignments, you do not need to re-register for the course. You just need to check the exam dates or submission deadlines and then complete the assessments. Note that you may need to sign up in advance if you plan to take an exam or submit an assignment. 

When an exam has gone missing, been lost or something similar and the university is responsible for this happening, students in this situation should be given the opportunity to take a new exam as soon as possible. Contact the course coordinator and ask what applies.

Yes, there is! According to the Discrimination Act, universities are required to actively work within their operations to promote equal rights for students and applicants, regardless of factors such as disability. If your reading and writing difficulties are of a long-term nature, they are considered a disability under the Discrimination Act, which entitles you to pedagogical and other support measures needed to make education accessible to you.

A suggestion is to contact the study counselor at your department or the university’s coordinator for students with disabilities to discuss the obstacles you are facing in your study environment and what can be done about them. For a meeting with the coordinators, you will need to bring some form of documentation of your disability.

According to the guidelines for students’ working conditions at UU, a student who has been granted special support for an exam, but this support is not provided, must be given the opportunity to take a new exam without delay, if it can be shown that the university is responsible for the situation.

Read the course syllabus! It contains information that you, as a student, should know such as course objectives, hou you will be assessed and how your performance will be evaluated. The course syllabus is binding according to the Higher Education Ordinance and what is stated in it cannot be changed during the course. Reading the course syllabus is an excellent way to understand your rights.

No, it is not acceptable! An overview schedule with all assessment elements and mandatory teaching should be available at least five weeks before the start of the semester. A list of the main literature should also be available at that time. A final schedule must be communicated no later than one week before the start of the  course.