The board
Sigrid Welin
It is the responsibility of the president to lead the daily activities of the student union, call and lead board meetings and Officers Councils and be responsible för communicating with external stakeholders. The president has many representative missions both within and outside the university and the student world, advocating for the members’ interests in all these contexts.
- 079-3340894
Vice president, economy
Saga Wistman Gunneriusson
Vice president with responsibility for economics (VicEk) is in charge of the student union’s finances. This does not involve directly handling money but rather being ultimately responsible for ensuring that members’ money are managed appropriately. VicEk is the deputy for the president. You can also contact VicEk for questions regarding membership and the student card.
Vice president, education
Olivia Steen
Vice president with responsibility for educational matters (VicUt) has the main task of promoting a good study environment and education. VicUt represents students’ interests by serving as a student representative in various committees and groups at the university. VicUt is also the chairperson of the Study Councils where study- and study social issues are addressed. If you have any feedback on your education you should contact VicUt.
Li Max Chen
As administrator you have the primary responsibility for reviewing and managing course evaluations for the courses offered by the Faculty of Pharmacy (FarmFak) at Uppsala University. In addition, the administrator works on other study-related issues and participates in various committees and groups. The administrator is also responsible for handling membership and student card related issues, together with VicEk.
- 079-3342392
Labor market manager
Emilia Haraldsson
Labor market manager who also serves as the chairperson of the Labour market commission is responsible for the student union’s collaboration agreements and maintaining contact with the job market. If companies wish to get in touch with the student union, this is done through the labor market manager who is also responsible for organizing work-life connection activities.
Head of festivities
Johannes Bremberg
The head of festivities is responsible for the Klubbverket and its activities, which include parties and cleaning the student union house. Each semester, two large banquets are organized along with exam parties, themed pubs and much more in between. The student union house is also available for rent and is especially popular among PhD students who use the banquet hall for dissertation dinners. If you want to work during a dinner or pub event at Pharmen, you can contact the head of festivities.
Student liaison officer head of student welfare
Jesper Lindahl
Student liaison officer head of student welfare is the vice chairperson of the Study Council and has responsibility for study social issues. You are also a member of the Equal treatment commission. You work with and through various forums connected to the faculty to ensure that the students’ viewpoints and thoughts are conveyed before decisions that concern them are made. If you have questions about the working environment at the university, you should contact the student union’s student liaison officer head of student welfare.
The head of public relations is primarily responsible for the student union’s information flow to the public and its members. The head of public relations manages the student union’s current social media, website and other communication channels.
Maximilian Sköldelid
The secretary convenes meetings, writes minutes for Member and board meetings, and keeps the student union’s list of officeholders, By-laws and regulations updated. Contact the secretary if you have any questions about your role description or the student union archives in general.